
You will find my pictures most months in the UK national press, mainly seasonal pictures reflecting weather, topical scenes and events. These are published via a number of agencies, including Alamy Live News who I have a long relationship with and encouraged me greatly in my early days in photography. A special thank goes to Jessica Mann from Alamy, who is unfortunately no longer with us and greatly missed. We are also accredited for many events as official press photographers. Below are some recent pictures that have been in print.

Trevose head Cornwall at Sunrise in the Times newspaper
Simon Maycock with Camelias in the Telegraph Newspaper January 2024
Tall ships at Falmouth Harbour photographed by Simon Maycock in the Times newspaper 2023


Hi Simon, THIS IS AMAZING. Thank you. We have national press tracking for Tall Ships, and we had a number of great ‘hits’ but this massive, and beautiful, photo in The Times was not picked up. Hope you’re pleased? Thank you again and lovely working with you, 

Rhona Gardiner, Director, Excess Energy Communications